Your advantages:
The wet cleaning process is particularly suitable for families with children, as the seat cushions can easily become soiled with dirty clothing after playing, food (e.g. chocolate, sauce, ketchup) or dripping drinks (e.g. milk, coffee).
Dog enthusiasts also benefit from wet cleaning, as the damp fur of the four-legged friends can leave a strong odor in the interior.
regular shampooing of the car interior every few months is always a good idea.
Our service includes:
The prices apply to vehicles soiled by daily use. The prices apply to normally soiled vehicles. In the event of particular soiling, e.g. mold, vomit, smoke, animal hair, animal urine or large stains in the upholstered seats, we will provide you with an individual offer.
Let us send you a non-binding offer or arrange a personal meeting. We look forward to meet you and your car!